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Punishment Of Luxury/Posts tagged "Punishment Of Luxury"

Punishment Of Luxury Tag

Punishment Of Luxury – The story of ‘Alien Contact’

Watch the video above where I talk through the His-story of 'Alien Contact', Max Pluto and his magical gloves. In the beginning the Alien Contact idea was to experiment using a sampler and drum machine triggered by a unique glove which was a device I invented and for which I eventually obtained a UK patent for. It originated from a need for a person with physical impairments to play drums or keyboards. The idea was...

The Punishment Of Luxury Story: An Interview with Neville Atkinson

Watch Neville from Punishment of Luxury talking to Cherry Red Records Director of Catalogue John Reed. The chat touches on the band's history, infamous stories and the complete recordings 5CD box set 'Puppet Life' that Neville and John created together, which is out this week!Order your copy of 'Puppet Life' here: http://cherryred.co/puniluxpuppetlife ...